
How to create Fullscreen Menu

Add a full screen menu to your site in Hamburger Menu On Click Action
Using WP Bakery Page Builder Header (Elementor Version Coming Soon)

Adding Hamburger Menu to your Header #

  • Open/ Edit the Header design using Page Builder
  • Add Element – Hamburger menu

Select Hamburger Menu Icon / Custom Icon #

  • Here you can select from Predesigned hamburger Menu Icon Or use your own custom Icon/ Image as hamburger menu ( The Close Button only works with predesigned Hamburger Menu icons )
  • You can also add Custom Text to the H Menu icon – Left/ Right/ Top (This will appear on hover) / Bottom
  • Customize Hamburger Menu Icon background and style – Square / Round – Customize padding etc


Selecting Full Screen Template ( previously created ) #

Here you can select from


Background Image/ Video & Styling #

  • Customize background image / Video for full screen menu page template
  • Customize text / Link color and hover color


Select Loading Styles #

Here you can select from available list of loading styles and also customize color


Extras ( To position HM outside Header area) #

This is only required if you want to position the hamburger menu in any position of the screen ( outside header area ) like Bottom left / Left center etc

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