
Single Portfolio Post Options

Sometimes you will need to customize a single page and not the entire site. Here the pages Options Comes in handy

Check out the Options available in Single page Options

Post Options

Select Portfolio Layout – Default ( Options from Theme Options) / Select a different post layout

Note – ” Design Your Own “- makes the canvas blank and you can design and customize the page using Page builder

Listing Type – Choose listing format – Video / Image – now you can also add video portfolio
Videos can be Self hosted and Youtube videos
Hover Effect –
Select hover effects like – Fade / Zoom In, Zoom Out, BW to Color , Color To Bw, Gradient
Title – Choose to show or hide the project description title.
Show Content Area – Choose to show or hide the Content area.
Show Portfolio descriptions –
Featured Image –
Select Thumbnail size for Packery Layout Portfolio – This will set the Featured image thumbnail size for the Packery design from Portfolio Elements
Show Portfolio descriptions – Enter portfolio descriptions

Project Specific Details –

Client Name – Enter here Client Name

Note – To modify the above five taxonomy , check the tutorial –

Sliders –

Enable / Disable Sliders
Select Slider – This will show all the sliders created using Revolution slider
Select Position
a) Below – Slider will load after the page title bar area
b) Above – Slider will load right after the Header area
c) From Top – Here the slider will load from the starting of container. Use this when trying to create the slider behind the Header area.

Page Settings –
Set the Top and Bottom Padding
Set the Left/Right Padding

Header Options
Select if you want to edit the header for the required Page

Footer Options
Select if you want to edit the Footer for the required Page

Sidebar Options
Select if you want to edit the Sidebar for the required Page

Background Options
Select if you want to edit the background for the required Page

Page Title bar Options
Select if you want to edit the Page Title bar for the required Page


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