
Theme Translation

Theme Translation

1. You need to download and install POEdit program from here

2. Then go to ftp > wp-content > themes > your theme folder > languages. There you will find .pot file, open it with POEdit

3. After editing you need to set correct files name for your new files that will come after editing. More info about files naming you can find here:

4. You need to save .po and .mo files in this format. Exmaple: “en_US.po”

5. Theme addons plugin is also translation ready, but plugin translation files should be saved in this format. Example: “apcore-en_US.po”

6. Open file wp-config.php in your WordPress root folder and add the line define(‘WPLANG’, ”); remember replace ” by the language you want. More details can be found here: WordPress in your language

7. You can also translate theme using Logo Translate plugin:

8. Theme is fully compatible with WPML Multilingual plugin( paid ) and Polylang Plugin( free ), that can be used for translation and multilingual:

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