Design Your Posts With 15 Different Fully Customizable Options


Post options


APRESS theme has various options for the adding the blogs to any pages powered with drag n drop Visual Composer. Following are the various options available .

– 12 Style Options for blog designs
– Select posts from all categories or from specific category only
– Number of posts to show
– Post Title position and alignment
– Post Title font size
– Number of Items per row. For Grid and Masonry – (2/3/4 )
– Title Text color
– Title Padding
– Post Title Separator (Image )
– Category Position ( Available in Blog styles – Small, Medium,Large , Grid and Masonry )
– Category Font Color and Hover Color
– Category Design (None, Box, Rounded and Image )
– Continue Reading ( show / Hide ) and Button Color and Hover Color
– Social Sharing- Show / Hide and Button Color and Hover Color
– Post Meta – Show / Hide
– Post Meta Text Color and Hover Color
– Blog Design- None, Boxed and Box without padding.
– Post Separator- ( image)
– Post Filter – Enable / Disable
– Post Navigation Type – None, Default, Classic and Load More
– CSS Animation Style
– Animation Delay – Set in miliseconds
